
Interlúdio Literário... respondido.

O Interlúdio Literário de há uns dias suscitou resposta.
E que bela resposta veio.
Pelo esforço e pela beleza do que escreveu em comentário ao post, aqui fica registo para todos lerem. 
A., o meu muito, muito, obrigada. Não era desafio, de facto, mas ainda bem que o aceitaste e encarnaste a voz do "Amor" para responder a tanta pergunta. Parabéns.

Love Unfound

If you’re to come, when will you come?
You will notice my arrival.

If you’re to stay, where will you stay?
Inside your mind, your heart, in every breath you take, forever.

If you’re to be, what will you be?
Everything that you want me to be and need me to be.

Who will I be with you?
Yourself is more than enough.

I know who I am without you. Who will I be near you?
You will be me, and I will be you.

Who I am far from you?
I have no distance; you can see me from whichever distance I am.

Will you come and sweep me off my feet?
Like the wind sweeps the leaves.

Save me from myself?
You don´t need to be saved, you just need to be found.

Save me from all the others that aren’t you?
I will be your fortress.

Will you know me?
Even with my eyes closed.

Will I know you?
I´m sure you have met me before.

Will we know?
From the bottom of our hearts.

Will we?
It´s impossible not to.

Will I?
I hope so.

Will you?

I will, if you do.
I will, if you come.
I will, if you come and make everything else feel like the journey to you.
I will.
Will you?
Yes, of course you will.
I can’t live thinking you won’t.

I will.